Friday, 31 August 2012

Windows 8

  Great News! The new version of Microsoft Operating Systems is coming within few months. The official name of this version is WINDOWS 8. Microsoft has already released Windows 8 Consumer preview, the beta Version of Windows 8 on February 2012. Windows 8 Consumer Preview was downloaded over one million times on the first day of its release. Unofficial sources ensure that this OS (Operating Systems) will release on October in 2012.
   The latest version of Microsoft Windows was Windows 7 released three years before. More previous operating system was Windows XP, Windows Vista.
    Recently Microsoft has revealed some information about the latest OS. The platform will be run in 32 bit and 64 bit. Microsoft will release 4 types of Windows 8 version. Among them, Regular Windows 8 will be for general Computer user.
    “Windows 8 Pro” will for different business company, enterprise, developer and for technology conscious people. Here user will find different advance facilities like file encrypting, Boot from virtual hard disk.
     “Windows 8 RT” is another version of Windows 8.It is suitable for Tablet device. Meaning of RT is not cleared by Microsoft but Mashable has guessed that the meaning of RT is “RUN-TIME”. But people cannot buy Windows 8 RT for ARM chip. Windows will add with particular device. Beside user will get Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft power point, one note free with Windows 8 supported Tablet device.
       Last one is “Windows 8 Enterprise”. It is perfect for big project or bulk work planning. People who are in Information Technology (IT) sector will get some extra facility in Windows 8 pro version.
         In 32-bit we will need 1 GHz processor, 1GB memory (RAM), Graphics Card DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver, Storage 16GB and for 64-bit we will need 1GB processor , 2GB memory (RAM), Graphics Card DirectX 9 device with 1.0 or higher driver and storage 20 GB.
         Experts say this latest versin of windows will capture the market successfully from previous series and users will get more facility from before.

Mass Effect infiltrator Game for Android and IOS

                                                        THE FATE OF THE GALAXY LIES IN THE BALANCE!
From the makers of the critically acclaimed Dead Space on Android comes an all-new, original Mass Effect storyline – made exclusively for mobile!
Mass Effect infiltrator takes gaming for mobile devices to the next level.This game features mid-blowing graphics, amazingly superb story line and excellent quality, smooth controls. The mass effect franchise’s journey to the android and apple market has been a great success, reaching thousands of downloads the day it was released. The game also reached a spectacular rating of 9/10.

Root any android device without needing a computer

The app “visionary plus” has been released in the android market as a temporary rooting software. This app roots your device temporarily, which means you can un-root it just by going to the app again and tapping “un-root now”. If you can not find this app in the android market, you can download the app “4sync” then go to 4sync and type in “visionary plus apk” and download it.

click the video below for a visual tutorial of how to root your device:

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Wearable technology: a vision of the future?

The Google Glass is just one of many forthcoming wearable devices.
                     Intelligent ski goggles, glasses that film what you see – it's the next wave of technology. And pretty soon you'll be wearing it Not so long ago I was skiiing down a slope in France, wearing a pair of ski goggles which, when I looked down and to my right, showed me my precise location, how fast I was going, where the ski run went (useful in a whiteout). It also told me if I had a phone call and, via a wrist-worn ski-glove-friendly control, allowed me to switch between answering calls or changing the music on my headphones.
                     The goggles, made by Recon Instruments, are popular with snowboarding professionals who want to keep tags on their day's accomplishments – one of the settings tells you how high you have just jumped. For good measure, while you are enjoying the après-ski, you can download that data to a computer.
                     The goggles are part of the next wave – the one that experts say will, in time, enhance and even supplant the smartphones being carried by around half of the mobile-using population in the west. As well as the goggles, there is the Pebble watch, a private project in Silicon Valley that has acquired millions in funding from eager buyers (I'm one). The wristwatch will connect to your iPhone or Android phone via Bluetooth and show details of incoming emails or calls. Or there's the Nike+, a "sportwatch" that measures how far you have run and at what speed.
                    "Wearable computing" is the new buzzword in how we're going to live our lives. It might even free us from what Charlie Brooker called the "black mirror" of our smartphone screens, the ones that seem to obsess us to the exclusion of all else when we're walking down streets, waiting for transport, or even hanging out with friends. Even if our attention is slightly distracted by the wealth of information being screened in front of us, we'll no longer be continually looking down at our phones.
                     Wearable computing suddenly came to notice in April 2012 with the announcement of the Google Glass project. The idea is straightforward: you wear a pair of clear, wraparound glasses; there's an earpiece with a built-in microphone. When someone calls, or something significant happens in your internet life, you get a message appearing on the glasses in front of you. There's also a camera mounted on them which sees what you're looking at and sends that back to Google's servers, which figure out where you are and what you're doing.
                    Need a traffic update? The quickest way to get to your next appointment across town, avoiding closed roads? Google Glass could show the map projected on to the glasses, in your visual field. The introductory video, released in April, wowed people with its possibilities – though critics were quick to point out that it lacked Google's normal advertising stream, and mischievous remakes with rivers of adverts appearing before your eyes quickly appeared. Google hasn't said how we might buy Glass – whether on a contract like a smartphone or outright like other products. It's offering prototype versions to developers for $1,500 (£958) from next year, but we don't yet know when it will be commercially available.
                   The idea of wearable computing has been around for a few decades; but it's only recently that phones have acquired enough computing power, data connectivity has become pervasive, Bluetooth connections low-powered enough and screens cheap enough, for us to start thinking of adopting it. In 2000 Alexander Pentland, a professor at MIT who helped set up its famous Media Lab and has for years been interested in wearable computing, wrote an article for the Association of Computing Machinery in which he noted that "inaminate things are coming to life", but, reassuringly, more like Walt Disney than Frankenstein: "The simple objects that surround us are gaining sensors, computational powers and actuators [which move things]."
                   He saw a world with "smart rooms" and "smart clothes". The clothes, he said, would be "like personal assistants … trying to anticipate your needs and generally smooth your way".
                   But wearable computing – this stuff is just for geeks, surely? Sergey Brin, Google's co-founder, can wear them and just about not look mad. But even for him there are faint echoes of Star Trek's Borg, the machine-augmented hive-mind group, especially in the way you can see him focusing on the screen by his eye, rather than his audience or interlocutor. But Pentland says he feels "really great about Google Glasses because my former student Thad Starner, who ran the hardware part of my Wearables Project here at MIT for many years, is the guy who is in charge of Google Glasses. They will do it right."
Carolina Milanesi, smartphones and tablets analyst at the research group Gartner, believes that there is potential for wearables. "There's definitely room for connectivity through devices that can send you what you need at that point in time; it might be a tweet, or a Facebook notification, or a weather update or a traffic update," she says. "I think consumers are ready for it."
                     Ken Blakeslee, an investor and entrepreneur who has been touting wearable systems for a decade, and runs Webmobility Ventures, thinks an era of "appcessories" is just around the corner. "The real stumbling block is that we're all info junkies, but we only want stuff that's relevant."
                     If our glasses can filter out the junk mail and calls, telling us only what we want, and have really accurate voice input (typing on a screen will seem so antiquated), they will become ever more important. He doesn't think we'll necessarily need to abandon our smartphones; all you'll need is some software that connects to them wirelessly (that's Bluetooth) and a way to feed the data in.
                     The rise of "appcessory" makers such as Pebble suggest it is already happening so where, you might wonder, is Apple? Won't the iPhone quickly sink into irrelevance? Perhaps – though Apple is known for picking its own time to enter markets, just as it did with the iPod and iPhone. In part this is due to its tight connections with factories in the far east and its ability to spot when new technologies are becoming affordable.
                     Furthermore, patent filings that have been registered with the US patent office indicate that Apple is indeed looking at the idea of "head-mounted displays". If both Apple and Google were to get into wearables, usage would surely explode.
                      Milanesi wonders, though, how ready society is for the distraction and always-connectedness this technology implies. She thinks that our habits are already bad enough with smartphones (her husband bought her an "I turn it off for you" handkerchief to put over her constantly ringing phone) – won't glasses take it to a whole other level?
"I don't know if it's going to be more or less annoying – people peeking at notifications coming on the screen – and I think it's then down to society pushing for more human interaction, and not finding something that's more interesting somewhere else. That becomes a behavioural issue, not a technology issue."
                      Others have pointed to more unsettling worries about wearables; the front-facing camera on Glass, plus its internet connection, plus the ability to share a video feed with others – isn't that a charter for intrusion of privacy? Witness the case of Steve Mann, a pioneer in the use of wearable computing, who has been wearing devices just like Google Glass for years.
                      He claims that in June he was assaulted in a fast-food outlet in France by its staff. Their concern seems to have been that he would be filming them; a concern that the pictures on his blog bear out. When we wear computers that see and record what we see, they record everything – good and bad.
                     But then, no new technology comes without problems. In fact, the biggest problem that Brin says he has found on his travels while testing the Glass prototypes is a much more boring one: battery life. Powering the little screens sucks all the juice. It may be that wearable computing won't just be about the computers; wearable batteries could be the next big thing too.

This week's new games

Papo & Yo, PlayStation 3
Papo & Yo is about a boy called Quico and his alcoholic father, personified in a giant, blind-rage-prone monster who needs gentle nurturing to solve many of the puzzles you encounter. Wandering through sun-drenched favelas, Quico finds glowing chalk drawings that come alive when touched, opening mysterious new avenues of exploration. Its darkly allegorical subject matter and whimsically childlike presentation make for a dreamlike experience that's only occasionally hindered by technical problems. Papo & Yo remains an unusual experience that holds on to a sense of playfulness despite budgetary restrictions.

Sony, approx £11.49 PSN download

Dust: An Elysian Tail, Xbox 360
It looks like a blockbuster 16-bit-era side-scrolling adventure with bold colours, large, slightly bouncy-looking characters and pastoral locations staffed by doe-eyed cartoon animals. What you'll discover, though, playing Dust: An Elysian Tail is a lot of screen-filling sword fights bolted on to the role-playing game staples of experience points, incremental upgrade paths and multiple hidden treasures. The conversations have sparks of humour but also a tendency to drag on for just a bit too long, although all are voiced with considerable character, which helps to bulk up an indie game with atypical levels of gloss.

Microsoft, approx £10.20 XBLA download

Sunday, 26 August 2012

New i-Pad Mini Leaked Info: 7-8 Inch Screen And Starting At $199-October Release

     Lots of rumors have popped up all around the internet about Apple possibly releasing a iPad Mini. This iPad will have a 7-8 inch screen, which is 3 inches less than the iPad 3. Websites such as JailbreakNation and CENET have been all over the iPad Mini. The planned release for the iPad Mini is this October of 2012. Again these are only rumors however.
    A few years back after the release of the iPad Original, and right before the release of the iPad 2, there were lots of questions reagarding a iPad Nano or a smaller iPad. Apple had said that there was no need for a iPad Nano or anything of the kind because of 2 reasons. The iPod Touch and simple because of no need for one with today’s market. However it is possible Apple may have re-thought those words and decided to go ahead and make a smaller iPad. The main reasons for this is because of the release of the Kindle Fire, and the release of the Nexus 7 tablet.
   If Apple does plan on releasing an iPad Minni it will be sometime around October. Already some possibil prices have come up and they are estamating that the starting price for an iPad Mini will be at $199 all the way up to $250. There is no news yet on storage options, however it is possible that they may be a 8GB iPad Mini.
Again all this news is all rumors, and everyone will just have to sit back and wait to Apple to do what they do best.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Jury orders Samsung to pay US$1 billion in damages to Apple

The jury in a landmark intellectual property lawsuit has ruled that Samsung should pay Apple over US$1 billion in damages. After nearly 22 hours of deliberation, the jury found that Samsung willingly infringed upon Apple's patents with a number of its devices. Apple was not found to have infringed upon any of the South Korean firm's patents.
Apple had initially claimed a total of $2.5 billion in damages, with Samsung seeking $519 million. After considering a full 700 questions regarding the claims of the two technology giants, the nine-person jury concluded that Samsung had indeed infringed upon its rival's intellectual property in six patents. The final damages figure agreed upon by the jury is $1,051,855,000.
The time that it took to make a decision on the case came as a surprise to many, with the jury deliberating for just under 22 hours following the three week trial. Not only was Samsung's claim that Apple's intellectual properties were invalid rejected, but it was ruled that the South Korean firm willingly infringed upon Apple's patents. The majority of key decisions went in Apple's favor, with the jury ruling that all but three of the products in question infringed upon Cupertino's pinch-to-zoom technology.
Samsung had also claimed that Apple had infringed upon several of its own patents, and though the iPhone creator was unable prove any of those patents invalid, they were not found to have infringed upon any.
Though not all of the decisions went in Apple's favor, the ruling can be seen as a significant blow to the South Korean firm, a company that is widely regarded as Apple's key competitor in the smartphone and tablet industries. However, based on previous cases, it's likely that Samsung will appeal the ruling, meaning that the ongoing dispute is far from over.
The news comes after a South Korean court ruled yesterday that both Apple and Samsung have infringed upon each others' patents, following which a limited ban was placed upon national sales of the products involved in the country. Similar lawsuits are ongoing in the U.K., Germany and Australia.

Biggest Tech Battles Ever

The battle between Apple and Samsung on patents is heating up in the court. This is not the first time Apple is involved in a trial. Not only Apple, biggest names in tech industry like Oracle, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and SAP has been seen in the nastiest of battles over the years. These “tech wars” have resulted in shift of power, movement of market and disturbance in force. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1. iOS vs. Android

iOS vs. Android have been battling since the latter’s birth eyeing the future of mobile industry as the prize. The most admired CEO in history, the late Steve Jobs once blasted saying, “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go to thermonuclear war on this. They are scared to death because they know they are guilty”. The two companies are competing so closely in the mobile arena that it's hard to tell them apart at times.

Friday, 24 August 2012

india helps create history for whatsapp?

WhatsApp messenger hit a new high on Thursday as it sent 10 billion messages in a single day, 6 billion outbound and 4 billion inbound. The company tweeted "new daily record: 4B inbound, 6B outbound = 10B total messages a day! #freebsd #erlang" on its official Twitter handle.

The difference between the number of messages was due to the group chats, said the company in a tweet. A single outgoing message in a group chat on WhatsApp is multiplied into the number of receivers while calculating incoming messages.

WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform for smartphone users across the world and works on various mobile operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian and BlackBerry.

Considering the number of smartphone users in India who are relying on alternative means to send messages in the light of the ongoing SMS ban, it is possible that WhatsApp's daily traffic got a boost from India. The app is quite popular in the country especially among the youngsters.

However, the app's developers did not give any geographic details of the number of messages sent during the day.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Apple i-Phone 5 leaked pics

This is one of the biggest rumours doing rounds in the online world right now and many leaked images of the next iPhone with a larger screen have surfaced on the internet. It is heavily anticipated that Apple will roll out the new iPhone with a 4-inch touchscreen, though speculations say that the display size of the final iPhone 5 may be 3.9-inch or 4.08-inch.