Papo & Yo, PlayStation 3
Papo & Yo is about a boy called Quico and his alcoholic father, personified in a giant, blind-rage-prone monster who needs gentle nurturing to solve many of the puzzles you encounter. Wandering through sun-drenched favelas, Quico finds glowing chalk drawings that come alive when touched, opening mysterious new avenues of exploration. Its darkly allegorical subject matter and whimsically childlike presentation make for a dreamlike experience that's only occasionally hindered by technical problems. Papo & Yo remains an unusual experience that holds on to a sense of playfulness despite budgetary restrictions.
Sony, approx £11.49 PSN download
Dust: An Elysian Tail, Xbox 360
It looks like a blockbuster 16-bit-era side-scrolling adventure with bold colours, large, slightly bouncy-looking characters and pastoral locations staffed by doe-eyed cartoon animals. What you'll discover, though, playing Dust: An Elysian Tail is a lot of screen-filling sword fights bolted on to the role-playing game staples of experience points, incremental upgrade paths and multiple hidden treasures. The conversations have sparks of humour but also a tendency to drag on for just a bit too long, although all are voiced with considerable character, which helps to bulk up an indie game with atypical levels of gloss.
Microsoft, approx £10.20 XBLA download
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