MapmyIndia has launched a new device called Connect, that allows users to mirror their smartphone or tablet to their preferred screen of choice.The idea behind the device is to break free from the hassles of screen size without any wired connection. The device will be compatible with both Android and iOS platforms, and the Miracast tech used would make it completely wireless.
It also aims at better navigation experience for users. With Connect, users with a car AV system can make use of this service using the MapmyIndia maps application. It allows users to view content like apps, videos and games from their mobile devices onto a larger screen including television. It comes with AV and Micro USB connectivity options.
Priced at Rs.12,990, the device comes bundled with a USB cable, DLNA- Miracast convert switch, Wi-Fi Antenna, Wi-Fi/RCA/Power cable and an owner's manual which comes with hardware manual, a warranty card and terms of use.