Thursday 14 November 2013

Facebook Messenger with phone number integration for iOS and Android

Facebook had announced that the phone number integration with the Messenger app was in limited beta testing on iOS till now. But, as of this morning, you can download the updated Facebook Messenger app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. This option now gives the app the added flexibility of allowing you to message your friends who are in your phone’s contacts list, but not on Facebook.The interface has been given a makeover as well, with the cleaner look and a redesigned icon.
Clearly the pressure is now on Whatsapp, with Facebook Messenger also jumping in the fray for a pie of the instant messaging market. The current IM ecosystem leader was already facing pressure from the BlackBerry Messenger, which has seen a rather exciting launch recently, and already added more than 10 million users on Android alone in the first week of launch. Whatsapp currently has around 300 million users, and counting.


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