Tuesday 4 December 2012

Now gloves that work with touchscreen

The leather touchscreen gloves, by a Dutch firm Mujjo, can work with your smartphone. The Ethiopian lambskin gloves use nanotechnology integrated into the leather. This makes them compatible with a touchscreen. The gloves have also been treated for wind and water resistance
Mujjo, the firm behind the gloves said, "The nanotechnology functions independent from the human skin, this enables us to fully insulate the gloves with a layer of soft 100 per cent wool lining. The leather fully retains its characteristics, affording the wearer maximum comfort and dexterity just like any other glove."
The technology is pretty impressive and has become sort of a necessity. Most of the high-end smartphones today have complete and only touchscreen capability. Some countries are too cold and require people to wear gloves. It’s quite uncomfortable to remove your gloves to answer your phone or send a text. In such places, these gloves make sense. The gloves are priced at Rs. 1,774.
The product seems to be compatible with most touchscreen devices available in the market but it isn’t the only one implementing the technology. Recently, we have seen the Nokia show off its Lumia 920 flagship smartphone.
The touchscreen of the Lumia 920 has two different modes that are automatically switched between depending on what your figures are wearing. At the unveiling of the device, a demo was presented where the touchscreen of the phone was navigated with the person giving the demo wearing gloves. Its nice too see a smartphone manufacturer implement this technology straight out of the box so that the user doesn't need to purchase special gloves to use his smartphone in the winters.


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